Reconciliation Action Plans and First Nations Engagement Strategies

Designing visually engaging, respectful and culturally appropriate Reconciliation Actions Plans and First Nations Strategies is one of our specialties. No matter what stage you are up to, we can partner with you on your journey from Reflect, Innovate, Stretch to Elevate and everywhere in between.

Our design process for RAPs and First Nations Strategies involves close study and implementation of your organisation’s Brand Style Guidelines (colours, fonts and brand graphics) paired with the incorporation of Aboriginal artwork throughout the design, whether this be by vectorising a high resolution image of a hand painted artwork that you have had commissioned, or by creating extracts of a digital artwork commissioned by our resident artist, Amy Allerton.

Our RAP and Strategy Designs

  • Georges River Council

    Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Strategy design featuring artwork by Darren Charlwood which was vectorised by Indigico Creative.

  • Landcom

    Innovate RAP design featuring artwork by Nioka Marlowe and Luke Penrith.

  • Adamantem Capital & Melior Investment Management

    Innovate RAP design featuring commissioned artwork, ‘The River of Unity’, by Amy Allerton from Indigico Creative.

  • Business Events Sydney

    First Nations Strategy design featuring artwork by Konstantina.

  • NSW Biodiversity Conservation Trust

    Aboriginal Empowerment Strategy design featuring artwork by Wayde Clarke.

  • Dexus


    Reflect RAP design featuring commissioned artwork, ‘The Places Where We Thrive’, by Amy Allerton from Indigico Creative.

  • Team Global Express

    Innovate RAP design featuring commissioned artwork ‘Moving Forward with Country’ by Amy Allerton from Indigico Creative.

  • Stockland

    Stretch RAP design featuring artwork by Saretta Fielding from Saretta Art & Design.

  • Australian Water Association (AWA)

    Reflect RAP design featuring commissioned artwork, ‘At the Heart of All Life’, by Amy Allerton from Indigico Creative.

  • Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA)

    Innovate RAP design featuring commissioned artwork, ‘Connected and United’, by Amy Allerton from Indigico Creative.

  • Jaybro Group

    Reflect RAP design featuring artwork by Trevor Eastwood and Jason Douglas from Dalmarri.

  • Parramatta Artists' Studios

    First Nations Engagement Strategy design featuring elements from the artwork, ‘Wagan - Crow’, by Shay Tobin and Jason Wing, which were vectorised by Indigico Creative.

  • Sharesies Australia

    First Nations Engagement Strategy design featuring commissioned artwork, ‘The Future We Grow Together’ by Amy Allerton from Indigico Creative.

  • Adamantem Capital & Melior Investment Management

    Innovate RAP design featuring commissioned artwork, ‘The Journey of Growth’ by Amy Allerton from Indigico Creative.

  • Dexus

    Reflect RAP design featuring commissioned artwork ‘The Places Where We Thrive’ by Amy Allerton from Indigico Creative.

  • Buslines Group

    Reflect RAP design featuring commissioned artwork ‘Connecting Along the Journey’ by Amy Allerton from Indigico Creative.

  • Learning Links

    Reflect RAP design featuring painting by Gadigal woman, Deanna Schreiber, which was vectorised by Indigico Creative.

  • Pearl Consulting

    Reflect RAP design featuring artwork by Kathleen Wightman which was vectorised by Indigico Creative.

  • Adamantem Capital

    Reflect RAP design featuring commissioned artwork ‘The Seeds of Change’ by Amy Allerton from Indigico Creative.

  • Melior Investment Management

    Reflect RAP design featuring commissioned artwork ‘The Seeds of Change’ by Amy Allerton from Indigico Creative.