Speaking & Presenting

Our Managing Director, Amy Allerton, has established herself as a thought leader in First Nations female entrepreneurship, decolonising corporate landscapes and applying ancient cultural knowledge to transform western business approaches.

Virtually or in-person, Amy can bring unique perspectives that inspire, educate and build meaningful connection for knowledge forums or conferences, staff professional development and education or cultural celebrations (e.g. NAIDOC). As an award-winning, successful Aboriginal female entrepreneur (plus artist, designer, photographer, mother, wife - all of the things!), Amy is uniquely positioned to provide deep insights and learnings that can directly speak into the lives of:

  • Indigenous business owners, entrepreneurs and leaders

  • Executive business leaders, teams and departments (Indigenous & non-Indigenous)

  • Women in business and leadership (Indigenous & non-Indigenous)

  • Senior school students in years 9-12 (Indigenous & non-Indigenous)


  • The Femininomenon: Female Empowerment, Influence and Bold Leadership

  • First Nations Entrepreneurship: Excellence, Impact and Legacy

  • Decolonising Corporate Australia: Why Indigenous ways of knowing, being and doing are the answer to better business

  • First Nations Storytelling: The Purpose, Perspective and Power

  • Building Bridges: Connecting Community and Business through Storytelling

  • How to be a REAL Ally: Are you in a ‘Situationship’ or an ‘Allyship’?

Plan ahead for annual events and celebrations

  • International Women’s Day (8th March every year)

  • Harmony Week (every March)

  • National Reconciliation Week (27 May - 3 June every year)

  • NAIDOC Week (every July)

  • Small Business Month / Indigenous Business Month (every October)

Booking Enquiry

Would you like to invite Amy to be a keynote speaker or presenter at your next event? Fill in the form below and let’s have a yarn!