‘Paradise’ was commissioned by the Department of Regional NSW for the Culture, Fish and Flows pilot project and the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development’s (DPIRD) Freshwater Environment Branch.
We are part of an ancient Paradise that has existed since the beginning of time. This Paradise brings together every story that was and will be, and weaves them into the fabric of Country, creating an eternal flowing river that sustains life, teaches, guides and connects all things.
As long as the river continues to flow through Country, we will continue to walk in the ancient Paradise that we have called home for tens of thousands of years.
But paradise is much more than Country, more than a place. Paradise is the beating heart of our people, where our culture and communities thrive; it is the stories we share, the legacies we forge and the future we build. Paradise lives within us and all around us, it is the strength that carries us forward and the flowing river that holds our spirits forever.
© 2024 Amy Allerton.
Digital artwork on iPad Pro, Adobe Fresco with Apple Pencil 2
We were delighted to create ‘Paradise’ and then use the artwork as the feature of our design of the Yarriin: Culture, Fish and Flows Cultural Watering Place Case Study.